To be eligible for a grant from the Wilson Sheehan Foundation, your organization must be classified as tax-exempt under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). And because we are a mission-driven family foundation, we also expect our grantees and their projects to align with our priorities and values.
While we do accept unsolicited proposals, the vast majority of our investments are sourced through trusted advisors and personal contacts.
The Wilson Sheehan Foundation does not generally consider these areas to be within our investment focus:
- Individual Scholarships
- Mass funding appeals
- Sponsorships
- Advertising for fundraising events
- Emergency relief
- Non-domestic projects and programs
In accordance with Federal Law, we do not fund individuals or political campaigns and activities.
First Time Grantees:
Step 1: Review Eligibility Criteria
We respect the time and effort non-profit organizations expend applying for grants, and kindly request that you carefully review our FAQ to ensure fit as a first step.
Step 2: Initiate Application Process
To begin the application process, create an account on the grant portal. The grant portal can be accessed here or by clicking “Grantee Login” at the top right corner of the homepage.
Grantees seeking support of $10,000 or less:
Please follow the “Streamlined Applicant Process.”
Grantees seeking support exceeding $10,000:
Please follow the “First Time Applicant Process.”
Step 3: Submit Application
Upon submission, grantees will receive an automated email notification with details regarding the timeline and review process.
Returning Grantees:
We kindly request that existing or previous grantees seeking additional funding reach out directly to the Foundation at info@wilsonsheehan.org. Please note that Returning Grantees must submit the annual report for the previous grant before consideration will be given to a new grant request.